European network service

Country Destination Transit days
Finland Helsinki - Turku 5
Sweden Stockholm, Malmø 4
Helsingborg, Gothenburg 4
Norway Oslo 4
Stavanger, Bergen, Aalesund 5
Poland Warszawa 5
Czechia Praha 5
Slowakia Bratislava 5
Austria Wien, Graz 5
Salzburg, Wels, Linz 4
Hungary Budapest 5
Greece Athens, Piraeus, Saloniki 7
Turkey Istanbul 9
Italy Milano, Verona 6
Roma 6
Napoli 9
Schweiz Basel, Zürich 4
Netherlands Amsterdam, Rotterdam 2
Belgium Antverp, Bruxelles, Liege 3
Luxemburg Luxemburg allover 3
France Paris, Strasbourg, Lyon 4
Denmark Allover 1-2
Great Britain London, Felixstove 4
Liverpool, Manchester 4
Irland Dublin 6
Scotland Glasgow 6
Greenland All on request details 20-40
Faeroe Islands Thorshavn vessel weekly 10
Iceland Reykjavik 2 x weekly 10
Germany North, service daily 2
South and East daily 3
Baltic Klaipeda, Riga, Tallinn 7
Russia St. Petersburg, Moscow 7-10
Ukraine Kiev 12-20

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